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Isaiah R. Kalinowski

Isaiah Kalinowski has been involved with the Court of Federal Claims for over ten years. For the first four of those years, he clerked for Hon. Richard Abell at the Office of Special Masters within the Court, where he was introduced to vaccine injury practice. At the end of 2010, Isaiah left the Court to open the Washington, D.C. office of Maglio Christopher & Toale. There he has practiced ever since, devoted primarily to representing injured parties before the Court of Federal Claims. Although most of his practice is focused on vaccine injury cases, Isaiah avidly follows the other areas within the Court's manifold jurisdiction. In 2018, Isaiah wrote a review article entitled "The House Built On A Hillside: The unique and necessary role of the United States Court of Federal Claims," which was accepted and published by the Texas Review of Law and Politics in the Spring 2019 issue. He is husband to his lovely wife Ingrid and father to his sons Phinehas Isaiah and Thaddeus Gabriel, and lives in Alexandria, Virginia.