Organization Chart
Chair / Co-chair
Judge Carolyn N. Lerner (Co-Chair)
Nancie G. Marzulla (Co-Chair)
Ex Officio Members
Judge David A. Tapp
Judge Patricia Campbell-Smith, Past Chair
Chief Special Master Brian H. Corcoran
Leah Durant
David Harrington
Clerk of Court Lisa Reyes
Emeritus Leadership
Judge Eric G. Bruggink (Chair)
Brad Fagg
John Fargo
Lionel M. Lavenue
Scott McCaleb
Michael Schaengold
Joshua I. Schwartz
Gregory A. Smith
Liaison to the Bar Association
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Judge Marian Blank Horn (Chair)
Scott Flesch
James D. Gette
Steven Mager
Honorable Jeri K. Somers (ret.)
Bid Protest / Contracts
Judge Matthew H. Solomson (Chair)
Kara Daniels
Patricia McCarthy
Douglas K. Mickle
Anuj Vohra
Intellectual Property
Judge Eleni M. Roumel (Chair)
Deanna Allen
William Bergmann
Scott Bolden
John Fargo
Military Claims / Civilian Pay
Judge Carolyn N. Lerner (Chair)
Molly A. Elkin
Steven J. Gillingham
Esther Leibfarth
Douglas K. Mickle
Lisa M. Schenck
Takings / Tribal Claims
Judge Kathryn C. Davis (Chair)
James D. Gette
Meghan Largent
Altom Maglio
Nancie G. Marzulla
Frank Singer
Kristofor Swanson
Judge Victor J. Wolski (Chair)
Robert T. Carney
Judge Mark V. Holmes
Sheri Dillon
David Pincus
Matthew Lucey
Special Master Daniel T. Horner (Chair)
Julia Collison
Isaiah R. Kalinowski
Michael P. Milmoe
Jennifer Schwab
Law Clerk Alumni
James Y. Boland (Chair)
Elizabeth Abramson
Shane Hannon
Rebecca S. Kruser
Issac Schabes